Friday, September 8, 2017

:) :) :) ........:) :) :) :)

Makes my day!!!
Look at those cutie patooties 

I spent most of the am putting away FM stuff, cleaning up after lst night's meal, putting away dishes from last Friday night, and putting together a bridal bouquet for a wedding tomorrow.  Denny went to IG in the morning. I took the flowers into the church and I had a Dr. appointment.  He gave me a medicine to help with the pain I sometimes feel when I am walking.  I stopped by the HS and Julie took a look at my Chromebook to check on it's audio malfunction.  Jensens came over and took down their stuff from the bunkhouse.  They sorted, took pictures and offered stuff to siblings and burnt things they they did not want any more.  It was so good to visit with Missy and Phillip. 

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