Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Farmers Market

I baked 3 batches of onion buns, brownies, and cream cheese coffee cake and made 14 flower bunches.  Denny and I walked east and went to Cherry Creek to look around.   Not sure.  After I got flowers done I worked on getting the big dead sunflowers out of the garden.  They are huge and hard to break off.  Note to self,"Do not tackle a job that gives you less time with Rose".  It was a quick stop to say hi and see Rose's smile before heading to the Holstein FM.    I brought a lot home because not much sold in Holstein.    Interesting, last week Holstein matched my highest ever sales.  Denny and I met in Sac City and used a gift certificate that expires tomorrow.  YUM!!!  Thanks Youslings!!  The steaks were awesome!!  And we brought home takeout pizza.  Denny was so happy with himself because he got so much done.  He reset electricity poles north of the machine shed.   It was a good #everydayissaturday task.  
Cute Pics of baby Jessa Rose!!!  and sister Amy.  Amy looks so thrilled!!

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