Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Monday September 18

It is a great day when I get to see my two baby Grands!!  Mandy studied NP info while I watched Jack from 8-11.  He slept during the first part of the visit (I think he looks a lot like the baby  painting).  He filled his pants (First time in 2 days and his parents were happy). Mandy had to text Jason and tell him the good news.  Jack loves to kick and stretch his arms and legs.  I stopped by Sanford on the way home for a short visit with Megan.  Rose and Karen are spending the week with Goldsmiths in IG, so I stopped to visit for about an hour.  Rose was in the middle of the LR  floor playing with lids, plastic bowls and a spatula.  While she was standing against the chair footrest she let go and the boomba of the fall to her bottom startled her.  At home I watched as Denny continued to sort thru his clothes.   (There are many)  Then I picked flowers for Holstein FM before meeting Susan and Bev in Arthur.  Great visit with Naomi.  She is driving bus for the schools and helps in the cafeteria everyday.  Wil is at UNI.  Grace is a senior at Concordia.  Denny ate supper at Jensens with Rose and Karen.  He may look into Cherry Creek bnb.   New Grand niece was born to Kevin and Justine in Madison Wisc.  Jessa Rose  was born around 7:30 and 7 pounds 5 ounces.  Thank you, Jesus for this day ... and for babies. 

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