Saturday, September 23, 2017


While the husbands are away, the girls will play.  Fun day !!  I picked flowers for bnb then went to Mary Kay's at 9 for a road trip.  Destination Loess Hills Lavender farm.  Many stops.  In Danbury MK was interested in a broken desk/table that was priced at $50 (????? Everything there was priced about 90% over value).  I went to the gal and said,"I know this is a lot lower than what you marked,  but would you take $7 for it; she said yes ... so we loaded it in the vehicle.  Who knew??  Mapleton 5 stores, We ate a couple of dill onions buns with steak salad sandwiches as we drove, Book store in Soldier, Smalls fruit farm for pie ala mode, Lavender farm, Aronia berry farm that was closed, Logan, At Walmart I was happy to get a frame for the bnb world map and sirachi sauce and fresh ginger, Another expensive antique store with a cup and saucer for $120.   Really???  AT Mary Kays we had the rest of the lunch I packed.  It was so nice to sit in the shade and look out at the farm and visit.  I stopped at Jensens on the way home and Brooks read the condensed Boxcar children book to me.  They came over to clean out stuff from across the road and take it to the dump hole in the grove.  Then they came in for peanut soup.  (I did not drop the jar and break it this time).  Kids took baths.  
Denny watched Haley march in the band; their school got first in competion.  HUGE trophy.  Matt and Becky left for a weekend get away.   Thank you Jesus for a wonderful day.  

I will never stop loving having you here.    I will never stop loving being here. 

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