Thursday, September 14, 2017


I got up early to make buns.  Three batches,  But only 2 batches sold.   I baked all three types of bars.  and put together 12 flowers.  I made 5 flowers for the Morningside care talk on Friday at 1.  Study came 1:30 -3:30.  Farmer's market was warm, but luckily I could have my table in the shade of another vender.  I took the flowers to MC and headed home.  Laurie came to Jensens and so I went to visit  with her about walking tomorrow am.  Susan has invited us for coffee with Lisa VK who is in town because Ken has a bank meeting.  I am looking forward so spending some time with them and Laurie.
Keith and I texted back and forth about plants he had given me this spring.  They are doing huge and doing well.  Thanks, Keith!

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