Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Tuesday September 12 Jack & fm.

I was up and started onion buns and had devotions and then went back to bed until 7.   Before Mandy and Jack came I baked 2 pans of bars and picked some flowers.  It was so great to have them here.  Jack came out with me while Mandy studied in preparation for her NP job in October.  Denny did his favorite job.  He cleaned Mandy's car.  I did my favorite job with Jack's help, putting flowers together for a farmer's market in Holstein.  We ate by the shell tree.  Great sale at the FM.  Most ever.  They like my pesto and onion buns.  One gal bought 4 bouquets.  On the way home my phone reminded me of home school meeting at the library.  Nice small bunch!!  At home, I was tired and went to bed.  

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