Monday, September 11, 2017

Clay County Fair

Fun day!!  We left for Spencer about 8:45.  I drove and Denny worked on search committee pastor reviews.  There was a lot to look at and we tried to see it all.  Denny checked out lights on electrical cords and metal roofing.  I lover to see floral arrangements with table settings, antiques and sample all the free samples!  We tried to reach Ben and Becca on the way home, but too short of notice and their lives are full.  As we visited with Mike B. Nette came to talk, too.  We were talking about what a great day it was.  Her comment was "I live for days like this."  Lord, thank you for her spirit and her love of you.  Please give Doctors wisdom and heal her.  We stopped at Many hands and saw this picture frame.  Re - tired.  It made us smile.  Thank you Jesus.  

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