Friday, September 1, 2017

Retirement supper for coworkers

Full day!!  Best part was when Luke and Matt's families surprised us by crashing the retirement supper that they had declined the invitation to.  It was so fun to have the family here!!  Denny spent most of the day getting the food ready, so amazing, jubilee stuffed pork chops, Jalepino rollups, I fixed cowboy caviar, sliced tomatoes, ramen noodle salad, and strawberry fluff.  Deb brought her famous cheesey garlic bread. Mandy brought a southwest salad.   I set the tables out on the deck for 22, knowing that there was an 80% chance of rain at 6.  The boys surprised us at 6:45 and so the whole family was there to help move the plates and meal into the coop when it started to rain.  Deb and Keith, Ardie and Jerry, Wendy and Bob, Carolyn and Tom, Laura and Teresa, Maggie and Jerod, Shirley and Dale, Matt H,  Matt, Missy and Phillip, Luke and Karen, Mandy and Jason and 7 Grands.  After most had left, the kids gave a roast/toast list of remembrances they learned from their dad as they have worked with him all their lifetime.  Luke had gotten a poster board made of the info Missy had put together.  Stories and laughs.   Thank you, Jesus, for this family.    We stayed in the pickup camper.  Note to self, make sure you take pillows and blankets to sleep in camper.  Luckily, we could crawl under the fitted sheet and use the seat cushion as a pillow.  :)  The last time I was in the house before people went to bed there were kids everywhere.  It was SO neat.  Two Johnson gents in laundry room, Anabel and Brooks in living room sleeping, Jack in computer room, Rose in Luke's bedroom, Evan snuggled in sunroom.  There was no way I was going to go back into the house to hunt for bedding for me and Denny in camper.  Life is wonderful, familiies make it that way. 

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