Saturday, October 28, 2017

a year of Saturdays

Denny left for Buehlers at 9.  I went to Missy's and got the TAG baskets almost done.  Anabel came home with me for a while.  We were talking and I asked her what she did yesterday and commented that she had like 2 Saturdays in a row, because they had no school on Friday.  She made the comment that my life was a "year of Saturdays" now that I am retired.  I guess that is the extended view of "everyday is Saturday".  :)  At 12, I went to a hunter's luncheon in Odebolt with Donna B.  Brian, Jenny Denny and girls joined us.  Afterwards  I took pecan pie to the Lindgrens.  Then home for a nap and to watch the ISU game on a blurry TV.    We played a game of identify the play and outcome as we searched the mishmash of pixels.  On a very sad note These are my final flowers of the season.  I went out in the windy cold of a dark 8 pm last night and tried to pick some because it was suppose to get down to 23 degrees.  I am really gonna miss playing with the flowers.  Cute Jack in cardinal and Gold.

                 Cute Rose with jam on her face. 

(It is good to stand corrected.  I never know if my kids read the blog, but this is the proof that ... it does get read.  I think Luke was perhaps goaded on by his sister, Missy after she posted about the book.  ????  So the red is beets, not jam!!!! )  Isn't she cute???

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