Friday, October 6, 2017

Rainy day

I took flowers in for the resource room by 8.  At home I started to put away linens from garden party last night.  I went to church and Kathi and I cleaned the Awana closet.  It was good to get some of the junk (that I had taken in for game time) ... in the trash.  Denny spent most of the day (10-5)  making his eldest daughter happy.  The $$$ incentive worked wonders!!!   He did take 2 breaks- one for peanut soup and one for getting carpet freshener at our place.  I stopped by CCF and put some tacks on the shelf liner to keep it in place.  At home I did nothing while Denny worked.  I fixed sweet potatoes and we grilled pork steaks.

Sweet nieces and nephews:

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