Monday, October 2, 2017

Jack :)

I left home about 6:30 to get to Cherokee and watch Jack.  What a cutie!!!  Mandy studied in the basement after feeding him and we played until 8:30 when he got sleepy.  He awoke about 90 min later and we enjoyed being outside.
I helped move the hooks for a swimsuit top and then headed home.  It was time for a rainy day nap.  :)  I should have gone outside to work because it was really nice once I went out, but it looked chilly from the air conditioned house.  Denny and I made peanut soup.  At 6 I went with Carol to a PEO social at Old Town.  Denny let the dogs out, but Rascal/ Buster ran away.  Lord, help us find him tomorrow.

Please pray for Missy, Phillip, and family as they attend a training this week in North Carolina for work in Nepal.

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