Thursday, October 5, 2017

America spelled backward

I did have a lovely day.  Devotions.    Denny had a haircut at 9 and so I went to IG with him.  I got 17 red glasses at Peggy's garage sale.  Denny got paper towels and important stuff at Shopko.   At home he really cleaned our place.  Thank you, Jesus, for my husband.  1:30-3:30 study   7 gals SG, SG,MW,RT, PG At 5:30 gals from Holstein came for Fall flower fun!!  The women are part of a 77 year old club whose name is Acirema  (America spelled backward)  There were 14 gals.   The weather was wet and warm.  They enjoyed making a small  fall flower arrangements in the CSA barn and then having dessert in the coop.  After wards I had so many flowers that were not used I put together 13 small arrangements for the SPED room at the HS.

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