Monday, October 30, 2017

Home on Sunday Oct 29

We get to take Grands for donuts this am.  :)  Torren's last ffb game was 2 weeks ago.  Nice just to stay put.  I am not sure how we got it wrong on the calendar.  Evan did not join us before ss.  Jensens spoke at church; we brought Anabel home with us and fixed some scrambled eggs for lunch.  Denny fixed food most of the afternoon,  I took a nap and then made salad.  Whitney, Austin and Emma joined us for supper.  They have booked our bnb; they are staying in Spencer this week; Austin is working in Schaller.  It was fun to have them join us for supper and get to know them better.  I headed to bed early, I was kinda cold and kinda have a cold. 

From Saturday morning in Minneapolis:

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