Sunday, October 8, 2017

Okobogi Wedding

The plan was for us to watch Jack after the wedding so Mandy and Jason could enjoy the reception and Jack could get to bed.  We met at Boulders at 10 am and Cooks took us to brunch at the Birdhouse.  Then to Spencer Many Hands; Mandy got 4 tops and a couple of bags for Jack's needs.  Then Denny treated us to Classic Cars Tour.  It was really neat; the cars and the wall murals were amazing.  We kept Jack while Cooks got ready for the wedding.  We visited West O.  After they left for the wedding, Denny and I took a nap and then showered and got ready to pick Jack up at the reception.  There was nothing to do at the motel so we left for Arnold's park Pavilion.  Megan had verbally invited us to all of the wedding activities, so we thought we would go and see the decorations and be there to get Jack when Mandy wanted us to take him back to Boulders.  ...  ..... Jack was fun to watch at Boulders and after he went to sleep, Denny got Casey's pizza.  We watched a Hallmark movie. The pizza was so good.  Cooks came home and we went to our room and to bed.  

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