Sunday, October 8, 2017


It was a nice lazy am in the hotel room.  We went down for breakfast about 9.  Cooks came down later and after they got done eating, we played with Jack in the breakfast area and they went back to their room to pack.  They left and we packed up and left.  Quiet ride home.  Home about 1.  We finished off the pizza and napped.  Denny washed his motorcycle, I went to Paulsruds to pick raspberries with Winh.  Oh, my, there were lots of bugs.  The no see um's bit and made picking miserable.  The Asian beetles/lady bugs were just thick and nasty.  We got home and washed the berries and bugs and picked bugs off the raspberries.  Grands rode bikes over and we had popcorn, orange Julius, ice cream and raspberries.  Good to have Jensens home.  

UGGG!!!      YUCK!!!!   UFFTA!!!!!

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