Friday, October 13, 2017

Off to Family

  I left home about 5:45 and was fortunate enough to have a guy who started his truck next to the church in Auburn where I was going to leave my car when Henderson came at 7 to pick me up.  When the driver of the started vehicle left his house, I got out of my car and asked him if it would be okay to park my car there until Monday noon.  He gave me the ok.  We got to Decorah about 11 and ate a BBQ.  Gail, 2 Bruces, Keith and Craig went to Silvercrest to play golf, Jane and I went to see Lenora.  At 104 she was doing a great job of feeding herself.  I am not sure that she knew who I was.  Next I drove to Craig's and visited with Marilyn.  Diane W. had called and so I met her in Decorah at her brother Alan's for a quick visit.  G, B and I left for Madison about 4 and got there about 7:30.  Nice supper with Todd and Julia and Nancy.  It is great to spend even short times with family.  Thank you, Jesus.

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