Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Early out

Devotions early.  When Denny left to work I went out into the yard.   I planted bulbs near the deck.  Tulips, Daffodils and Allium.  I worked pretty steady til 12:15 when I got ready to get Grands at early out. Minh came out and we sat at the table and enjoyed the fall weather.   I took 2 yellow tomatoes to Maryann and Paul.  I took Grands to IG library program.   They were hesitant about having a snack in the grass between the library and pool.  The snake program was very good.  Story, live snake to handle, relay games outside, paper art project of snake to color, cut out and use heat from a light bulb to twirl. Mike B. brought his hummer and gave T&T clubbers rides thru the ditches.


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