Monday, December 31, 2018

Planning to go to beach

But NO!!!  It was rainy and cold and Mandy did not feel well.  So sad, not too feel good when you are on vacation.   The courts were wet and so no morning pickle ball.  We took Jack out on a walk around the park.  He loved the puddles.  We stopped at the community building and helped Mary Kay decorate for the New Years Eve Dance from 8-12 tonight.  I rode with Cooks to the grocery store where they got water, some food, and real Coke for an upset stomach.  At 2:30 Jason and I went to play pickle ball, Denny gave Jack a ride on Nancy's trike.  Later I went to the hot tub with Jason, Mandy and Jack.  I brought Jack home early and gave him a long bath.  We just chilled at night with Cooks and then went to the dance.  Mandy headed to bed and Jason, Denny and I went to the dance.  Kathy had gotten cake and ice cream  for Bill's January 1 birthday.  Fun day, but I'm feeling bad 'cause Mandy's feeling sick.

Sunday Funday!!!

I got up and walked a mile.  Jack got up about 7 and Denny fixed cheesey egg, bacon, toast breakfast for us.  Jack fell asleep on the way to church and stayed asleep until 3/4 th of way thru church. Hurrah!  After church we went to 77 Flea Market.  Jason said he had no idea that something like that existed.  I got a box of 10 mangos for $2, 3 bunches of cilantro for $1 and 8 avocados for $2.  We had salad, pizza, and leftovers for lunch when we got home.  Pickleball at 3, naps,  Denny grilled awesome steaks for supper!  So good!!!  Amazing to have Cooks with us.  Love that Jack!!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Here they are!!

Walked 1 1/2, Watched news in card building, Jean called for sister call at 8, Breakfast at 8:30, Pickleball at 9:30,  Took some treats to trailer for Cooks, Devos, wash clothes, catch up on blog, shower, Denny walked the Park, We headed to Harlingen abouot 2:15.  Mandy and Jason arrived on time.  We ate great Mexican at La Playa.  YUM!!  Back at 4 Seasons we put together a puzzle that Gail had gotten at a thrift store.  We gave Cooks the tour of their trailer and home to watch a Heart Video.  So good to have Cooks in the Valley!!!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Getting ready

Slept in until 7:45.  Denny fixed a great breakfast.  Nancy and I went to Port Isabel for her choir practice.  I went to Long Island to visit Genevieve V. from Lakeview.  Nancy and I spent quite a bit of time at HEB.  At home we moved clothes to the shed to make a bedroom for Jack and got a port-a-crib for Jack from Sallie in 402.  The 3 sisters went to thrift stores looking for ride/push toys for little Grands.  I got lucky!!!  We have 2 toys for the little Grands when they comeAt 8 we went to 406 and watched the ISU strange game.  i.e. taunting call, helmet come off call,  2 timeouts for call reviews so no timeouts the last 5 minutes of the 26 to 28 loss.  Strange Game, Kinda seemed the the refs were against us.  We are getting I heart Memories and I think I could watch them all day.  Many of the recordings I had no recollection of, I guess I was living my life in a fog.  It is good to see and dust off the recesses of my mind.  AND oh, yes, There is no fear in the birds that use my dock for their own personal latrine.  I threw fallen oranges and them,  I came close with 3 throws,  the birds didn't stir,  I hit them one time and they didn't move.  All my oranges were gone,  SO I had to run down in my bare feet and shoo them off the dock.  Who did they think they are????  I'll give them the dock for 9 months, but when I am here, I want to share it with them.    Uffta!!!


Thursday, December 27, 2018

Golfing with fam

Up to walk 3 miles as I was listening to a tape that Jessica gave me the link to.    Then I watched news on the TV in the game room.   I played some pickle ball.  Denny took the Prius to get it serviced.  I left with Nancy and 406 to go golfing at 11:15.  It was a beautiful afternoon.  Most of the time I could go sleeveless and but sometimes I wore a sweatshirt when the sun went under a cloud and I was in the wind.  After 2 rounds of golf,  Bruce ordered pizza to be delivered to the 28 of us that played.  Denny was getting a haircut and we brought home pizza for him.  I went to play pony tail.  At home Denny talked to Matt and Haley for about 45 minutes. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Full Day

Can't go wrong with Denny fixing breakfast of potato skins, onions and butter plus coffee, eggs, and sausage.   Great day, even though it was gray and rainy and warm.  I played pool at 11.  The person I played was no good, just like me... in fact it was me.  But it was fun playing with someone of like skill.  :)  We started trimming branches of the strangling ficus and avocado tree and other bushes.  Around 2 we took a break and Nancy had cheese and crackers out of the wind.  Then she went to play a game at 406 and we visited when we got done trimming the trees.   Before pizza Denny and I sat out on the poop dock.  We are tired.  We got a lot done.  Denny made this quote on the poop dock.   So true!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas 2018

I got up, had devotions, and made banana muffins.  We went to church at Port Isabel with Gail, Nancy, and Bruce.  At home we napped and had another cup of coffee.  The Christmas dinner was at one and we went up around noon.  The tables looked great and we all had a nice time.  There were about 10-12 tables that had between 12 and 20.  Each table was decorated by the people that were eating there.  Faye had headed up the decoration with carolers around a tree in thee center of the table.  Nancy made place cards, I made bows with rosemary, Fay brought trinkets for each person that had plastic crowns and jokes.  Our table:  Joan and Jerry, Ray and Guadalupe, Carol, Mert, and Nancy, Jerry and Faye, Terry, Kathy and Bill, Gail, Bruce, Denny and me.
Missy sent some nice pictures this morning,  I found out that those pictures were taken on their way to church. 

Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve

Up and walked 3 on a beautiful morning.  We cleaned the trailer Cooks will be in.  Denny was in prime form and really cleaned, cleaned, Cleaned.  Went to decorate at 1.  Painted the dock.  4:30 Reals followed us to Peter Piper.   Lots of great pizza, Carousel, Bumper cars.  Back to park to carol around the park.  Two groups walked around and sang. We went with Gail and Bruce.  Nancy lead the other group. Ho  HO   HO!!!  It was fun to walk around the park and sing.  Hot cocoa and cookies in community room afterwards

Sunday, December 23, 2018

SUN day

Wow what a beautiful morning with a great breakfast on the deck made by my husband.  Church at 10:30 and then I read a book/ napped out in the SUN for a couple hours.  Gotta love the lazy restful days.  I worked on the blog.  Denny and I went on a mile walk and stopped at the trailer Jean will be in Jan and Feb.  After supper we played pool with 406.  Gail and I won 3 out of 5.  Denny and I went to the hot tub.  It was a beautiful night.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Cleaned the Trailer

Walked 2 1/2.  News/ exercise tv was not available.  Coffee and donuts at 9.  I love the ones that are pure sugar.   Next was pickle ball.  I really am not getting any better, but I will keep on playing.  I gave Denny an early Christmas present by returning the Bunn coffee pot that had a cracked base.  He said he hates doing that, so "Merry Christmas".  I also got white paint for the poop dock.  After lunch Denny kept cleaning, I helped.  He was thrilled that I figured out how to get the top inside window off, so the outside window could be washed on the inside.  Got That????  After we cleaned we went to the dock.  Supper of grilled hamburgers, salad and potato salad.  We went to the DJ dance at 7 and as we were walking home, Jensens called.  We got to watch them as they opened gifts.  Nothing makes my day more that spending time on facetime with N. family.   Also news.

Best part of waking up ...................................  Merry Christmas, Denny

Friday, December 21, 2018

Sprayed the poop dock.

I got up about 6:45 hoping to watch news at the workout room, but the tv already on a Hallmark movie, so I didn't stay long.  Walked 2 miles.  Denny fixed an amazing breakfast starting with coffee from his new Bunn coffee maker.  Plus cheesey eggs, bacon, toast and sliced avocados.  Nancy and I went to Port Isabel for her choir practice.  I went to stores to look for a mug for Denny.  Well, I didn't find the right one, but he will have coffee (I'm sure) even with out a favorite mug.   We stopped at Gordons and got fish/shrimp/corn fritters/ fried okra.  Denny washed the car while we were gone.  I sprayed the poop dock.  Denny and I chilled on plastic lawn chairs out in the sun.  We walked around the park and fixed pico de gallo.
LIFE .... So thankful for each day.  

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Happy Anniversary Matt and Becky!!!!

We are so blessed by their marriage.  Way to go Matt and Becky!!!   Becky has lasix surgery today.
I got up to walk 1 1/2 miles, then watch news while I biked in the exercise room and then out to finish the last 1/2 mile. Played pickle ball at 8:30.  Denny helped with siding.  Actually, I don't remember what we did the rest of the day. #needtorecordeventssooner.  I think Nancy went to play bridge and Denny and I watched a movie and then went to hot tub. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christmas sing along

Walked 3 miles, went to ride a sitting bike and hoping to watch the news at 7, but Dr. Phil was on  a channel picked by the guy on the treadmill and I didn't ask to change it.  Next time I'll have to try to get to the workout room a little earlier.  We went to Reals and the guys started to put on siding.  Kathy and I went to Home Depot.  I bought 2 cans of spray paint.  She got some bag cement for bottom of deck facing.  They bought Wanna Burgers for lunch.  At 2:30 we went to the clubhouse for Christmas caroling group singing.  407 went to C&C for 2 for the price of one chicken wings and blooming onion.  It was so good.  At home we chilled and watched tv and were on our computers.  Gail and Kathy went riding on the resaca with the paddle board and kayak.  Jensens got the trampoline as a Christmas present today.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Slept til 7:30.  The big excitement at the park was DeEsther's trailer beiong moved out.  The park will miss her.  She will be 90 on January 14th and was one of Mom's friends.  She ran the food pantry when it was at the little Baptist Church.  She and Mom sang in nursing homes.  She is moving her trailer to Harlingen and it is being set on her daughter's house site.  We raked sticks off our deck and from the back yard and hauled then to the front yard to be picked up.  About 10 we went to Real's and Denny helped put on siding.  At noon I golfed with Gail, Faye, and LeAnn (Jerry's sister who lives in a house that is on hole 7, I think.  Gail was hot and shot at 37, I shot at 51 (9 on the last hole, 2 out of bounds).  The others shot 54.  The day was great!! 70 degrees, over cast, NO wind.  That, in itself, is very unusual.  Very Fun!!  One guy accused Faye of taking his orange ball, when she was shooting a pink ball.  Always a little drama when you golf.  At home Nancy went for groceries, and Denny was at Real's until 4.  We chilled out on the deck with guacamole.  Actually we have guacamole and olive tray for supper.  YUM!!  It is so fun to be spending time out on the deck.  AND BEAUTIFUL!!!   The trailer is open where Mandy and Jason can stay when they come.  Matt called this am checking if it was okay with me to book an airbnb on Friday and Saturday night in Fitchburg for Maynard's wedding.  Plus, I called Craig and asked him to reserve the pond for us for Thursday night before the wedding.    Should be a fun Christmas present.  :)  Nancy and I went to 406 and played castledominoes.  Set a video to Missy.   Cute picture of Dogs and boys  (in Matt's house!!!!!)  GDIRGV.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Walk ... Pickle ball

I walked 3 miles in the park ... very slowly, but I did it. At 8:30 am was pickle ball.  Nice text from Luke saying they may come down in Jan/Feb.  Now that's enough to make any mamma's day.   Denny made his ham, egg, cheese, coffee breakfast on the deck.  We went to Reals and helped with putting on siding.  Karen had asked all of us to her place at 4 and so we stopped and went for a visit.  So good to sit and visit.  For supper we had 3 things, Rice by Denny, Green beans by me, and salad and BBQ chicken  by Nancy.  I went up to play ponytail with 7 others.  Great Day In Rio Grand Valley.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

To the beach

Nancy went to church at 7:50 with Hendersons.  We went to Christ Church of the Valley at 10:30.  When we got home Denny read the paper out on the deck.  I went to South Padre Island and walked 4 miles on the beach, stopped to look at the park market and shopped at Walmart.  I was tired and dirty so I took a long hot shower.  Denny got the stove oven working and cleaned it.  What a guy!!!
Mert called to see if we wanted to go with her to SPI and see the Santa sand castles and light show.  So we three went with her.  It was pretty neat.  Nancy sprung for ice cream afterwards.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Sat fun in the Valley

I walked 3 miles this am in our quiet park with flat streets and street lights.  Then fixed coffee for Denny on the deck, but it was just a little chilly when he got up.  At 8:30 we went down for breakfast.  Now this is one of Denny's favorite things about Texas.  For $5 all you can eat at the community building.  Scrambled eggs, hash browns with or without onions, link sausage, patty sausage, bacon, pancakes, blueberry pancakes, biscuits and gravy, grits, salsa for eggs and coffee.     Amazing.  I went to play pickleball after that.  At 11, I came home, took a shower and then we headed with 6 others to the gift distribution at the Brownsville police station.  Mom always used to help with it.  People in our park bought gifts for the event.  Then last Monday they had an auction where most of the purchased gifts were auctioned off and then given back to the police station.  It raised $4700.  How wonderful is that!!   They had pizza and sub sandwiches for those of us who came to work,  I heard that 4000 kids got gifts, plus snack foods.  They gave out a bike per family, so one child got a bike, the others could choose from 3 tables of presents.  It was amazing.  We stayed until the doors closed at 3.   We chilled on the deck and got ready for a supper that Nancy had planned for us and 402:  baked salmon, tossed salad, zucchini and Parmesan cheese and ice cream and brownie.  From 7-10 was a dance and afterwards we went to Bert and Dan's for a while.  Wow ... a day in the Valley again.  :)

Friday, December 14, 2018

More TTTT #traveltimetotex

Merry Christmas to me.  Being only 4 minutes from the Magnolia and Silos, Denny conceded to stop at the bakery that opened at 7:30 when we got there.  Then we spent 30 minutes walking outside and looking around.  I thought it was a very cool place and I didn't even get in to the store which opens at 9.  We were on the road by 8.  With 2 coffees, 2 supreme piggie biscuits and a cinnamon roll to share.  Our kids got a kick about us stopping there.  2 stops for gas and plans to get to 4 Seasons about 3:15.  We traveled some state highways from Waco to Corpus Christie.  Nice to see houses. towns, car repair shops, etc. along the way.   The golf get together was going when we got to 4 seasons ... so straight to 406.  Good to see friends again!!! About 6 we stopped by Reals.  The trailer they moved into 4 Seasons is really nice for their big lot.  Double wide mobile home with lots and lots of windows facing the resaca.    Matt checked into the company's new office and the family showed us around with pictures.  Haley had a HS band concert.   Wonderful full day and so nice walking at dusk around the park. 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

tttt. travel time toTexas

We walked the Grands down to meet the bus, then left about 7:30 from Matt's acreage. The google map said 1133 miles to Brownsville.  Denny drove the 12 1/2 hours until we got to Waco and we stayed in a Super 8 there.  Over half of the time it was raining.  After being on a turnpike in Kansas and only having 30 miles left of gas ... We voted to fill with gas every time we stop.  So about every 4 hours: a gas fill,a bathroom break, a coffee fill, sometimes food, stretch and back in the car.  My big purchase was 12 hush puppies for $2.50.  We were several north of Fort Worth at 4:20.  And made it thru Dallas by about 7.  Uffta. Slow moving traffic.  Two and a half hours to drive less than 30 miles.   Denny kept his cool and we just drove 5-15 miles an hour, stopping where needed along the 4 lane crowded slow moving stopping cars.    Such a great feeling to have nothing but time ... the weather is passible, we are healthy, no slippery or icey roads.  Very thankful!!!  As we left Dallas, Denny said he could drive for about an hour.  I thought Waco, would be a great place to spend the night (with an ulterior motive.)  I went on line and looked for motels.  Super 8 next to the college, Baylor.  I called and booked a room and then shared with Denny how nervous I was.  And jokingly said,"And I think I am going to Nepal ...."  We checked in our room, went and got some sliders and chilled in the room.  We traveled about 700 miles today.   900 miles from home. Oh, by  the way, Chip and Joanna 's  Silo shops are only a 4 minute drive from here.  The bakery opens at 7:30.  And I would like to walk around the place.  UNLESS, of course we are ready to be on the road by 6 am.  (AND I know that will NEVER happen.)  #ulteriorsilomotive   #knowmyspouse.    :)

                                                            In my dreams     :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Killing time in Savannah

Up for Devo.  The family left about 7:15.  The roofers were there.  I went to St. Joe about 9:30 and just walked thru stores. You name it, I walked it.  Target, Kohls, WalMart, The Mall, 3 thrift stores.  I headed home about 2:30 ,but didn't get a nap in before Kane got off the bus.  Becky was home and then had to go to Savannah to get the car fixed and Haley had a haircut.  Boys came home and we played outside until 5.  Kane and I walked Keelie, played some carpet ball, and we threw and kicked the football around.  Inside we played the boys spinning game and then "thinking out of the box" connect 3 with 3 people and 13 discs each.   Matt came home and fell asleep while we played that noisey spinning attack game.  Pulled BBQ meat and corn caserole for supper when Becky and Haley got home.  YUM!!!  Denny had the final hip check up and got the ok for everything.  His appointment was at 3:30 and he got in at 5.  It took about 3 minutes in IG with the Doctor, he filled with gas in Schleswig, and headed to Savannah.  Got there about 9.  He is ready to drive!!! Good thing ... we got 1350 a head of us.  TTTT 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

To Savannah

Last devotions in sun room for a while.  To the Train at 7:30.  At 11 I ran some errands, the ogt crew went to the Pizza Hut for Christmas lunch.  I got postage for 2 large envelopes to send to N.  From there I got the keys to get the box I forgot at the train.  I had a quick stop to see Susan at Trendue and then I went to vote for the school bond issue.  It did not get the 60 percent to pass.  I think it was 59.22 percent, bummer!   I had another quick stop at home to get Keelie to take to Savannah.  It took 4 hours to drive there with one stop at the Galaxy.  Haley's BB was at 5.  She started the JV game.  It was really fun to see them play.  She has many classmates that really are able to steal the ball, and drive for the basket.  Lots of hustling and scrambling.