Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas 2018

I got up, had devotions, and made banana muffins.  We went to church at Port Isabel with Gail, Nancy, and Bruce.  At home we napped and had another cup of coffee.  The Christmas dinner was at one and we went up around noon.  The tables looked great and we all had a nice time.  There were about 10-12 tables that had between 12 and 20.  Each table was decorated by the people that were eating there.  Faye had headed up the decoration with carolers around a tree in thee center of the table.  Nancy made place cards, I made bows with rosemary, Fay brought trinkets for each person that had plastic crowns and jokes.  Our table:  Joan and Jerry, Ray and Guadalupe, Carol, Mert, and Nancy, Jerry and Faye, Terry, Kathy and Bill, Gail, Bruce, Denny and me.
Missy sent some nice pictures this morning,  I found out that those pictures were taken on their way to church. 

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