Saturday, December 22, 2018

Cleaned the Trailer

Walked 2 1/2.  News/ exercise tv was not available.  Coffee and donuts at 9.  I love the ones that are pure sugar.   Next was pickle ball.  I really am not getting any better, but I will keep on playing.  I gave Denny an early Christmas present by returning the Bunn coffee pot that had a cracked base.  He said he hates doing that, so "Merry Christmas".  I also got white paint for the poop dock.  After lunch Denny kept cleaning, I helped.  He was thrilled that I figured out how to get the top inside window off, so the outside window could be washed on the inside.  Got That????  After we cleaned we went to the dock.  Supper of grilled hamburgers, salad and potato salad.  We went to the DJ dance at 7 and as we were walking home, Jensens called.  We got to watch them as they opened gifts.  Nothing makes my day more that spending time on facetime with N. family.   Also news.

Best part of waking up ...................................  Merry Christmas, Denny

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