Saturday, December 8, 2018

Christmas in Dubuque

I got up for devos went to the  coffee room to read.  Then I brought Rose and Jack down as they woke up.  Jane really helped me as I went to get Jack.   I had brought playdough and crackers for treats.  Craig joined me, then Jane, Keith, Wyatt, Stephen, Jason, Gail, Bruce, Amelia, Becket, Tillie, Katy, Everett, Aileen, Christy, Jean, Arlen,.  Now the make up of the coffee room was quite a bit different than last year when there were only 5 adults having coffee, me and 4 of my siblings.  It was SO good to have all those littles with us.  Matt had ordered breakfast pizza that we ate in our room and opened Johnson gifts for the Grands.  Denny and I got Savage shirts for the times we are with the Missouri Johnsons.  Rose got a cool (Melissa and Doug) doll house that Mandy had gotten at a Cherokee thrift store (the deal of the century:)  We had given 2 families carpet ball tables.  Next we went down to the waterpark.  Then food was served in the conference room.  This year Matt was Santa with sidekick Scott,  They gave out gifts to the phonic pronounced recipients.  I was in charge of adult exchange.  The hot tickets were golfballs, a cutting board from old Erickson barn, 2 night stay in Craig's cabin, ceramic pottery, earphones, and Goliath drink.  It was great to visit and hear family's banter.   More eating, naps, talking, cards, swimming.  Luke ordered Chinese for supper and we ate in the big room and had a phone call with Jensens.   At night 4 went across the parking lot and we watched Jack's monitor.  It was such a fun day!!!  There were 60 of the Maynard and Bernice family there, plus 4 other family and friends joined us there.  Altogether there are 80 descendants of M&B Newhouse.   So much fun!!!  Next event of the group will be Maynard and Devon's wedding August 10.       



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