I sorted thru some of my plants in the sun room and tossed out some dead ones. Lord, may the rest grow. Julie P. came over for coffee and a nice visit. The TV guy did not come. We cleaned before we left for Arthur Bank Christmas open house. Then we drove home to get the typhoid medicine I forgot, so I can take it tomorrow. We left for Dubuque at 2:15 and got there at 6:15. Denny drove all the way. It is so good to see family! Thank you, Jesus. Luke's fastest route google map took him down highway 52, so he stopped and drove around Burr Oak to show Karen and drove up to Keith's new house and when he was leaving Craig drove up and told them to get out and look around the house and the pickleball shedhouse. After they got unpacked at the hotel, Luke gave Jack and Rose a ride on the suitcase carrier. Matt and Torren and Kane went to the water area after checking in. Many family members visited in our room. Rose gave everyone one hugs before heading to bed. All in bed by 11. So nice to see family and visit!!!

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