Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Full Day

Can't go wrong with Denny fixing breakfast of potato skins, onions and butter plus coffee, eggs, and sausage.   Great day, even though it was gray and rainy and warm.  I played pool at 11.  The person I played was no good, just like me... in fact it was me.  But it was fun playing with someone of like skill.  :)  We started trimming branches of the strangling ficus and avocado tree and other bushes.  Around 2 we took a break and Nancy had cheese and crackers out of the wind.  Then she went to play a game at 406 and we visited when we got done trimming the trees.   Before pizza Denny and I sat out on the poop dock.  We are tired.  We got a lot done.  Denny made this quote on the poop dock.   So true!!!

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