Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Killing time in Savannah

Up for Devo.  The family left about 7:15.  The roofers were there.  I went to St. Joe about 9:30 and just walked thru stores. You name it, I walked it.  Target, Kohls, WalMart, The Mall, 3 thrift stores.  I headed home about 2:30 ,but didn't get a nap in before Kane got off the bus.  Becky was home and then had to go to Savannah to get the car fixed and Haley had a haircut.  Boys came home and we played outside until 5.  Kane and I walked Keelie, played some carpet ball, and we threw and kicked the football around.  Inside we played the boys spinning game and then "thinking out of the box" connect 3 with 3 people and 13 discs each.   Matt came home and fell asleep while we played that noisey spinning attack game.  Pulled BBQ meat and corn caserole for supper when Becky and Haley got home.  YUM!!!  Denny had the final hip check up and got the ok for everything.  His appointment was at 3:30 and he got in at 5.  It took about 3 minutes in IG with the Doctor, he filled with gas in Schleswig, and headed to Savannah.  Got there about 9.  He is ready to drive!!! Good thing ... we got 1350 a head of us.  TTTT 

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