Thursday, December 6, 2018

Denny got the tractor running

Both Denny and I were moving pretty slowly because of the cold we were sharing.  Around noon he went into town and got parts for the tractor and worked most of the afternoon on it.  What a great feeling to get it going by the time I got home from study.  I went into IG about 1 to have a blood draw because my thyroid levels were questionable.  Lord, let that work out please.  I would just as soon NOT have to take daily medicine.  Then I went to the Farm Bureau office to check on BCBS oversea health insurance.  There is a 800 number to call.  I may have to pay out of pocket and be re imbursed.  There is 50,000 coverage.    There were 9 ladies at study.  It was a celebration of Elfreida's 93rd? birthday. EP,TP,O , PG, SG, SG, KB, FJ, GA,  Denny was so happy when I got home because he got the tractor running.  It started right off.  New heat houser cost more that he had figured, and he put 3 gallons of hydralic fluid in the loader.  There is a leak and Denny may just take off the loader because he usually uses the bob cat to move snow.

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