Thursday, December 27, 2018

Golfing with fam

Up to walk 3 miles as I was listening to a tape that Jessica gave me the link to.    Then I watched news on the TV in the game room.   I played some pickle ball.  Denny took the Prius to get it serviced.  I left with Nancy and 406 to go golfing at 11:15.  It was a beautiful afternoon.  Most of the time I could go sleeveless and but sometimes I wore a sweatshirt when the sun went under a cloud and I was in the wind.  After 2 rounds of golf,  Bruce ordered pizza to be delivered to the 28 of us that played.  Denny was getting a haircut and we brought home pizza for him.  I went to play pony tail.  At home Denny talked to Matt and Haley for about 45 minutes. 

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