Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christmas sing along

Walked 3 miles, went to ride a sitting bike and hoping to watch the news at 7, but Dr. Phil was on  a channel picked by the guy on the treadmill and I didn't ask to change it.  Next time I'll have to try to get to the workout room a little earlier.  We went to Reals and the guys started to put on siding.  Kathy and I went to Home Depot.  I bought 2 cans of spray paint.  She got some bag cement for bottom of deck facing.  They bought Wanna Burgers for lunch.  At 2:30 we went to the clubhouse for Christmas caroling group singing.  407 went to C&C for 2 for the price of one chicken wings and blooming onion.  It was so good.  At home we chilled and watched tv and were on our computers.  Gail and Kathy went riding on the resaca with the paddle board and kayak.  Jensens got the trampoline as a Christmas present today.

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