Thursday, December 13, 2018

tttt. travel time toTexas

We walked the Grands down to meet the bus, then left about 7:30 from Matt's acreage. The google map said 1133 miles to Brownsville.  Denny drove the 12 1/2 hours until we got to Waco and we stayed in a Super 8 there.  Over half of the time it was raining.  After being on a turnpike in Kansas and only having 30 miles left of gas ... We voted to fill with gas every time we stop.  So about every 4 hours: a gas fill,a bathroom break, a coffee fill, sometimes food, stretch and back in the car.  My big purchase was 12 hush puppies for $2.50.  We were several north of Fort Worth at 4:20.  And made it thru Dallas by about 7.  Uffta. Slow moving traffic.  Two and a half hours to drive less than 30 miles.   Denny kept his cool and we just drove 5-15 miles an hour, stopping where needed along the 4 lane crowded slow moving stopping cars.    Such a great feeling to have nothing but time ... the weather is passible, we are healthy, no slippery or icey roads.  Very thankful!!!  As we left Dallas, Denny said he could drive for about an hour.  I thought Waco, would be a great place to spend the night (with an ulterior motive.)  I went on line and looked for motels.  Super 8 next to the college, Baylor.  I called and booked a room and then shared with Denny how nervous I was.  And jokingly said,"And I think I am going to Nepal ...."  We checked in our room, went and got some sliders and chilled in the room.  We traveled about 700 miles today.   900 miles from home. Oh, by  the way, Chip and Joanna 's  Silo shops are only a 4 minute drive from here.  The bakery opens at 7:30.  And I would like to walk around the place.  UNLESS, of course we are ready to be on the road by 6 am.  (AND I know that will NEVER happen.)  #ulteriorsilomotive   #knowmyspouse.    :)

                                                            In my dreams     :)

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