Monday, December 10, 2018


Up and coffee in sunroom.  I had a perm and haircut with Nicole at 9.  She is moving to Algona, so guess this was the last.  And It is curly!!!  We were thinking we would use a gift certificate to the bowling alley, but it was CLOSED.  bummer.  We came home and Denny packed, I put some flowers in a tub to take to Texas.  I had an appointment for bone density and Mammo.  Then I stopped at Dr. Luft's office.  The second thyroid test came back within the normal range.  At home we packed more.  I figured out the tax stuff for home school and flowers.  Nick came about 5 and Denny went over the house walk thru with him.  Then Ken came up and Denny did a walk thru with him.  Some how the facebook has been giving Denny fits, it spins and freezes the computer.  Of, course, it is my faults ... but don't know what I did.  I love the soft lap blanket from Gail.  
I am so glad I got to do Dubuque with my people.

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