Friday, December 14, 2018

More TTTT #traveltimetotex

Merry Christmas to me.  Being only 4 minutes from the Magnolia and Silos, Denny conceded to stop at the bakery that opened at 7:30 when we got there.  Then we spent 30 minutes walking outside and looking around.  I thought it was a very cool place and I didn't even get in to the store which opens at 9.  We were on the road by 8.  With 2 coffees, 2 supreme piggie biscuits and a cinnamon roll to share.  Our kids got a kick about us stopping there.  2 stops for gas and plans to get to 4 Seasons about 3:15.  We traveled some state highways from Waco to Corpus Christie.  Nice to see houses. towns, car repair shops, etc. along the way.   The golf get together was going when we got to 4 seasons ... so straight to 406.  Good to see friends again!!! About 6 we stopped by Reals.  The trailer they moved into 4 Seasons is really nice for their big lot.  Double wide mobile home with lots and lots of windows facing the resaca.    Matt checked into the company's new office and the family showed us around with pictures.  Haley had a HS band concert.   Wonderful full day and so nice walking at dusk around the park. 

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