I called Denny from Harlan at 6. He fixed us breakfast when we got there at 7am. Bruce had a quick bite, then back on the road. He wanted to beat any bad weather that was coming PLUS Maynard had a New Years eve party to go to with some high school friends. After breakfast Anabel and I went to GGny's house. At home I tried to work on entering my checks into Centerpoint; I tried updating my blog; I couldn't type in any information; I asked Missy to help, She called Luke, He said the battery light was on when he was home and it might need a new battery. Praise the Lord. That worked. I got my checks entered and the computer matches with the bank. Denny came home from work about 3:30. We watched the little ones while Jensens went to a show in Denison. We lay on pillow and blankets and watched 2 DVDs. Vegetales and Little House on the Praire. Pretty fun. Kids went to bed well. When Missy and Phillip came home we visited with them almost until midnight. Ate a yummy frozen appetizer thing that Luke left in the freezer. Thanks Luke!
You're very welcome!