Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sat. January 1 2011

Kinda slept in. Denny helped my get the addresses for the Christmas letters. They are all ready to go. I made some chicken potato soup and we took it to the folks for lunch. Denny brought up videos from the basement and Howard said it made his day to watch some old videos that were of his mom and dad. Denny brought the videos home and showed them to the Jensens. Anabel joined us as we went to Kim and Curits's about 5:30. Good to visit with neighboors. The kids like to ride the bull that Youslings got for grandpa's house. Mary Jo had this New Years post: May the Lord give you a vision for the coming months and years. May you seek His face, His direction, His love and compassion. May you learn to be patient on the timing of God. May you be secure in His love. May you find joy as you wait. May you have an attitude of gratefulness for the salvation of Jesus and may you live every day in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. May your goal for 2011 be to exercise the fruit of the spirit in every situation to run the good race with no regrets. God bless you today and in the coming year.

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