SS and donut with Denny, E&A. and Stangls. After church we took Stangls home and then went to IG to get groceries. We ate lunch at Food Pride with Grodon and Susan. Home for quick naps, and another watching of Little House with E&A. Denny is feeling under the weather. We didn't go to church prayer meeting tonight. Missy came down and tutored me on a couple literary strategies. UFFTA!! Later I checked my Morningside E mail account. One of my night mares had occurred. I have always had the nightmare that I had signed up to take a class, forgotten that I was taking the class and found out I had to take the final THE DAY OF THE FINAL. Well, when I checked by Email I found out that I was signed up to take this 407 class that started Jan 21 instead of March 21 that I thought it started. I know I can't take 2 classes at a time... Some thing has got to give. It might be my mind. OUCH You can bet I didn't sleep too well.
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