Happy Birthday Justine and Katolo. We are looking forward to hearing about that little Mendamenda and praying it will be a safe delivery of a beautiful child of God. I went for coffee at folks. Denny opened the door to the machine shed so I could get the pickup out. Thanks, Denny! The Ind liv class got taught how to clean a bathroom by custodian today. I have a family meeting tomorrow that I need to plan for. I came home and started an RTI assignment and a gen ed assignment. Missy subbed in Kindergarten today and enjoyed it. I did 25 min of insanity with her before school. To bed by 8:30. No real life... but thankful for what we have. Blessings from Mary Jo ... May the Lord bless and keep you today. May the light of Christ penetrate your heart and mind and fully illuminate it. May you know the peace and healing properties of the Sonshine. May your life be lived in His light and may you reflect the glory of the Lord to all those in your world. God bless you.
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