Didn't exercise last 2 mornings...pretty blah. Coffee with folks. At school I got a couple things done...submitted a report for school Feb. News letter. (what do first year teachers have to say??) Signed in data for Microsoft money (we are to do that once a month) Plus visited email with principal about a student whose mom I went to meet out in the parking lot. Plus made banana muffins for student prayer warriors who meet at the flag pole every Friday am at 7 to pray for friends, school, etc. At 5:30 Denny came to school and we ate with Emily M. at the soup supper for MS tag students. Went to BB game against GH SC. Girls won. Jensens came and watched (with Tots). Anabel sat on my lap. I told her to watch the girl with the yellow hair just like hers. I told her she could play just like Ashley Z. when she grows up. They both have the same whispy blond hair. We came home with 2 pails of soup at $5 a pail. Filled the car with gas ...ouch $3.05. Yesterday I filled the pickup with gas ... double ouch.
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