Sunday, July 1, 2018

Amazing Sunday

It was a beautiful morning.  I made start of guacamole and pasta salad.  We had a great breakfast on the deck with Kathy and Rory.  It was kinda rainy all am, but it cleared off for Church in the park.  So fun to have CrossRidge and Arthur together.  I brought flowers to pass around after church.  Whitneys, Susan, Gordon, Teresa and Jensens were here for brats for lunch.  We ate out at the picnic table. Such a nice time.  After people left, NAPS.  About 5 Jensens and we went biking on the Sauk Rail Trail.  Unbelieveable!!  We met Ben and Becca.  Denny and I rode 18 miles.  How dishartening for Denny,  I could keep up with him and quite a bit of the time we rode together.  It was a great time to ride.  We stopped at CCF on the way home.  I walked a mile. 

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