Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Friday July 20

Jessica checked out at 10; she left us an amazing gift basket of things she had purchased for their stay here and didn't use up: cookie sheet, spatula, fly swatter, extra coffee, paper towels.  Jeff H. came to visit and tell Denny Ragbrai plans.  Phillip started the fires in the trash hole.  I am so thankful because on his own, Denny would never to it.  Anabel and I worked on her map gift for Sophi.  Denny started cleaning especially well because gal with an allergy is coming in August.  I went to Missy's to help pack tubs.  Pete, Carol, Phil and Julie came about 6:30.  Luke and Karen came about 7 for supper.  Denny grilled pork burgers.  I made pasta salad and creamy cukes, Carol brought ice cream and toppings.  The cousins had fun playing together.   Rose loves to go to Anabel.  Before they left the Goldsmiths each got a bunch of flowers.  

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