Sunday, July 29, 2018

Send off!!!!!

 We thought about doing the last Sunday of "Donuts before SS", but stayed home and enjoyed cousins.  Church was special because Anabel and Nathan M. were baptized by Phillip.  AND the Jensen family was commissioned to travel to SE Asia.  There was prayer for Jensens.  Matt went and picked up the pizza for lunch.  Laurie and Alan were at church and brought fresh fruit for lunch.  Ranae came early to serve by manning the food in the garage.  She did amazing ... even really cleaning up the garage and re"containering" the food when people were leaving.  So thankful for her!!!!  Schrums and Hendersons came early; it was a good time to visit with them.  Wonderful weather.  The kids loved the slip and slide.  Lots of flowers were picked.  About 150 people came, such a treat!!!  One of the biggest blessings was Reed bringing Paul and Maryann from the nursing home.  I am so thankful for them being prayer warriors through out the years.  So many years she watched young children in the basement while the moms met upstairs for Bible study.  So precious to me.  Also, Linda and Dean and Gary and Kim came.  Wow!!!  Church people from Arthur, Parkersburg, Storm Lake, Atlantic,  At 7 pm  there was prayer in CSA.  I counted around 75 people/kids sitting on chairs, benches, tables, counters.  The whole day was Wonderful!!!  When Jensens come home .... I think we will have a "returning home" party.   That will be even more fun!!

7 pm prayer time in the CSA barn

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