Sunday, July 15, 2018

The pond

Great day!!!!!  I enjoyed looking at the pond in the early morning and having devotions.  At 7 I went to Walmart for groceries.  830 church with coffee afterwards.  Jensens came to the pond around 10 and autimatically the kids were in the pond. They liked the kayaks and jumping off the bridge that runs between the 2 islands.  Missy, Craig, and I pulled some green out and she enjoyed raking the sand.  Phillip fished from the shore.  Later we went to Burr Oak and toured the Little house on the Prairie hotel, the iron work yard ornaments, and drove by church, cemetery, and school area.  We looked at What's New, then back to the pond.  Denny went to Storm Lake early in the am to do the bike ride put on by the bike store.  His bike broke.  I guess it was a perfect place to have it break down.  He hopes to pick up the repaired  bike tomorrow.  At 630 Newhouse brothers and Marilyn joined us for lasagne and salad.  So good to visit.  Nice campfire.  So much to be thankful for.  It was great to spend time with my brothers and my family who is traveling oh, so far away ... for oh, so long.  I laughed a lot at the baby in the picture!!!!


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