Friday, July 6, 2018

Happy Birthday JACK!!! July 5

We love you so much Jack.  May you come to love and serve God because of the love and service you have seen from family in your life.  You are a great blessing in our lives. I am so happy to be able to spend 1 day a week with you.

I walked 4 in the am.  So nice to just leave the house and let the families take care of breakfast and cleanup.  As we got up we started to do bedding and laundry.  We got a ground hog in the live trap about when Z's keft, quite exciting!!,  Short bunch for Study  SG.SG,TP. O?  I took flowers to FM.  Denny brought bikes in and afterward we biked 7 miles on trail.  At home Jensens have raised 100% and have purchased their tickets.  Matt had Lasix surgery.  First time since 5th grade not wearing glasses or contacts.  Fun pictures from Cooks at Boundary waters on Jack'e birthday.

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