Thursday, July 12, 2018

IG Farmer's Market

Up and baking brownies, onion-dill buns and coffeecake.  Denny headed out to bike and I headed out to put flowers together.  Jessica, Tristan and Trevor came out to play at the CSA barn.  I put together about 18 bouquets.  Study at 1:30  TP, SG, O?, RN.  Denny made pico and pesto.  At 4 I left for IG FM.  After the market I headed to Lake View to the church SS picnic.  When I got home I walked 4 miles in the dark.  Denny headed to bed.
Pictures from Sat night.  Jane and I at Webbs in Bluffton and Jack at a wedding (SOOOO CUTE!!):

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