Saturday, July 28, 2018

Finished RAGBRAI!!!

Way to Go, Denny!!!  Completed RAGBRAI!!!!  After back surgery May 31!!

We were leaving Jeff's niece's house about 5:15 am.  I realized I forgot to get the sweet potato fries I took in a doggy bag last night.  boo hoo!  We left 5 guys at the OOS campsite and Jeff and Denny took the pickup a little further down the route to miss some U of I hills.   I went to New Sharon to meet Denny for breakfast.  Then I headed to Miss Effies to look at her flowers.  Beautiful day!!! It was fun to be there.   I drove the the dipping site and waited for the super guy to finish.  Pretty cool!!   We headed west after picking up Mario and his dad Curt who rode with us and who are from Switzerland.  Next stop Waukee to drop those guys off.  Look at my pretty Grand daughters on the slip and slide.  So Awesome.  Wish I had spent the day there with them, but so proud of Denny finishing RAGBRAI!!  We got home around 9, happy to see everyone.  Anabel and Haley orchestrated facial and pedicure for family gals in the afternoon.   Also a remake of Anabel's baby picture.   At night ice cream in the sun room and Kick the Can after it got dark!!  Makin' mem'rees    Thank you Jesus!!!

Haley and Anabel remake!!!

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