Monday, July 30, 2018

At home ... with Jensens

I was out in the garden when some of the friends of the Jensen kids came.  Sophi J for Anabel, Keagan and Logan B. for Brooks, and Nick and Jake L. for Evan.  It was fun to just watch them run from activity to activity.  Flowers, forts, zip line, Game on the deck. They were here from about 10-1.  We had left over pizza under the big maple tree for lunch.  Missy and Phillip did errands: bank stuff, drove truck to Warrens to sell.  Denny asked if they looked at the truck,  "Ya," said Phillip," they looked out the window before they gave them the check."  Pretty sad time saying good by to best buddies, and Missy wanted it to be after a special play time together, not last night at the send off picnic with so many people around.  After all friends had left, Missy and Phillip headed to Cherry creek to move all their things out and kids watched a 101 Dalmations. Around 3 Denny headed to CCF to load tubs.  Reimers came out in the afternoon.  Missy and Ranae went on a walk.  They have been a blessing to each other.  I am so thankful good friends remain ... even tho miles apart.  Laura and Alan were here for supper.  Some of Tammi's great goulash.  Face times with Mo. Johnsons on the deck then kids to bed and we chilled on on the deck.  The Jensens stayed in the airbnb tonight.  And Evan came up and told us that his dad put a stick pin in our airbnb world map in Nepal for them.  Many bitter sweet times.  

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