Friday, July 27, 2018

to Iowa City

I slept well at Andrew and Shannon's.  I heated up the breakfast sandwich I had gotten yesterday and ate it when I left about 7 am.  I met Denny at Kalona.  It was really a nice place for a group of many thousand bikers. Pretty streets, shops, good music   I drove to Iowa City to the OOS site and waited for the guys.  About 3 Denny got in and after a while we went to Jeff's niece's home in Coralville for the night to stay with Garrett and Denise.  We went out to eat at Red's and it was really good. I got sweet potato fries, YUM!  I took some home is a doggy bag.  To kill the time while we waited for our food,  Reese and I built towers with coasters.  To bed early ....

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