Sunday, April 7, 2019

Saturday April 6 Brook's birthday Starting the trek Pohkara to Ghandunk

We have had so much fun celebrating YOU!!!   May you serve the Lord all your life and may He continue to bless you. 


Great start of the trip with a very nice breakfast in a pretty place, our motel, Sacred Valley Inn in Pohkara.
Coffee and reading my Bible on my phone ...  first thing in the morning ... 
With extra strength Tylenol.  What a start to the day!  

       We stayed in bed until almost 6:30.  Breakfast was served in a pretty area of our lodging.

When they get done it looks really nice. 

The Jeep ride to the start of the trail was muddy, bumpy, long, the view was breathtaking (especially when I was directly over the edge of the mountain looking DOWN.  
Pictures do not do it justice, but pictures are what I have.
NOW email is not working so I have no pictures.  
Leaving Pohkara was muddy first, then so foggy the driver honked about every 50 feet to let approaching vehicles know we are coming.

Next we hit a one way traffic area.  It only took us 45 minutes for our turn thru the very narrow muddy road.  The driver said that yesterday he was in that area for 3 hours.  UFFTA!!
 About 15 minutes after making it thru the one way place we stopped ... to stretch for us, 
to play for the  kids, and a RR break.


We made it to Kimche and waited for lunch of N. food.  And then it started to rain ... REALLY RAIN.  We waited for it to subside, but it was pretty tough to keep 6 littles who love to play corralled in a dry area.  The trek to the place we were spending our first night on the trek was accomplished.  There were steps ... LOTS OF STEPS.  But I/we made it.  Supper of N.  The kids have been grand.  It is SO good to travel with another family.  There are deep discussions between Evan and Micah on what they would like to be doing when they make it to 100 years.  Also discussions of many plots of "you choose the ending" stories.  Mainly our kids made-up games one after another.  Tag / Hide and Seek / You name it.  
We ordered desserts for a birthday treat with a N. "torch" candle.  

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