Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Home School testing

I headed to IG at 5:10 am and went to the workout class that is taught by Jenn. C.  It was very good and got my heart a ticking.  I had coffee at the rec center before going to the Orphan Grain train.  It was good to the people at OGT.  I had 3 high school students at the Lutheran church for HS testing.  Susan let me use her kindle and start to read,"White Knuckled" by Hannah U.   I went to lunch with Susan at the hospital.  I got some mulch and a sprinkler at BomgaarsAt home I was so tuckered I took a nap.  I felt dead dog tired.  Maybe I was tired from the am exercise class, maybe I was still experiencing jet lag, I don't know, but I WAS TIRED.   I went out to set up the sprinkler and I started to roto-till around the yard.  AND I did till and till and till.  Denny got home about 7; the "team" came to use Denny's tractor to pull a stuck tractor that Conwell was driving.

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