Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Thursday April 11 Phillip's birthday

Happy Birthday Phillip!!!  May God continue to bless you and yours.  All our love to you.

Anabel, Brooks, and I watched some I phone facial recognition videos of family until 7 am when we got up for a wonderful breakfast buffet.  Quite a bit different than the last 6 mornings.  Fresh fruit, steamed bright green vegetables, crepes, and mango juice.   We ate out in a patio almost as pretty as our deck/backyard area.  We called Denny and Anabel gave him a tour of the motel/hotel; he gave us a tour of the basement new carpet.

After reading and relaxing we headed to the market, then to the area where we rented a paddle pontoon.  Wonderful 2 hours on the water.  Kids jumped in and got wet.  At the market we bought t shirts for Missy and myself, shoes for Anabel, (Phillip couldn't find a shirt that worked for him).  
Poster of Fewa Lake 

 I just lay down, rested, and watched the kids have fun jumping off the pontoon.
So relaxing.  Phillip read a couple chapters of The last Battle. (Narnia)

I chilled here while Jensen's went out for pizza for supper and then Grands and I watched a movie here while M&P chilled on his birthday.  

 I saw this on F book today and liked it!

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