Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday Aprill 12 This has been a real Treat ... a real Trek

We head back to Kat. this am.   It has been wonderful to spend time with the kids.  This has not been the norm for them nor for me.  God has really blessed my travel here ... and time here.  I traveled to N. with James. He has traveled here many times and so he had my back as I traveled very unfamiliar territory.  When I got here, I could see all of the fullness of Jensen life in Kat.  Living conditions, School setting, Transportation situations, Tremendously steep curve for learning language,  Tremendously steep need for learning language, Tremendous goal of normalcy of raising a family with God's love. And I have gotten to meet most of the people that they share life with.  Plus, I am here when the kids have a 2 week break between terms of school.  That gave us the opportunity to travel.  With the intense challenge/stress of a different culture,  the deep desire to "whatever you do, do your work Heartily as to the Lord.", the hope of spending "real life" time with children to ground them in all you believe in and hope for,  ... this trip was an oasis from the dust, pollution, schedule of the last 8 months.  Thank you, Jesus!   It has been a valuable time away to replenish in the beauty of God's creation.

We got up, packed, and had another great buffet breakfast before getting to the bus and leaving Pokhara at 7:30 am.

 We stopped at the same places to eat/RR/coffee as we did on the trip up.  Ride 2 hours thru the country and the bus would stop.   Ride 2 hours thru the country and the bus would stop.  Ride 2 hours thru the country and the bus would stop.  Let's see...  that's 6 hours of travel..The next 4 hours was stop and wait, then drive a little, then stop and wait ... then drive a little ... ETC.  ETC.    ETC.  Back home around 5:30.  So good to be home.  10 hours of bus riding is enough

  The trek has been SO much harder than I ever thought physically.  Uffta!!  There were SO many steps!!!!  I was SO unprepared!!  I am so thankful for Missy who stayed in the back of the travel group, walking slowly with me.  Always having my back, Always waiting for my (one step at a time) travel up (or down) the steps, Always willing to carry anything extra I might need, And ALWAYS holding her breath every time my foot slipped and I stumbled or slid on a damp rock.  Unbelievable!!  I could have gotten hurt so easily.  Then what???   I mean we saw one old lady being transported down the mountain by a donkey, saddle, a bumpy ride, and a thread of hope.  So glad it wasn't me.  BUT I realize I was just one slip from joining her.  Uffta!!
Thank you, Jesus for the great trek.  And safety on the trip.

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