Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thursday April 18 I'm back in Iowa HOME :)

Well, 31 1/2 hours after the airplane took flight out of Kat. at noon on Wednesday, I am home.  My flight landed in Omaha about Thursday 8:40 am.   We flew heading east over the date line and "went back in time."   Evan had his birthday party today with 7 classmates today. 

Me and my luggage train.  I pushed one big bag and pulled the other big bag before I checked my luggage at Kat.  Then again I trained my luggage at the LA airport to check it thru American Airlines to Omaha.  Then again in Omaha before Denny helped take one of the bags to the car.
Today was Evan's birthday "paintball" party.   

Evan and 7 classmates: born in America, Nepal, India, Netherlands, Australia, Korea, China, 
This picture was without amunition thus the boys do not have on all their protective gear.  

When we got home Denny changed his clothes, made a couple sandwiches and headed out to drive a tractor and disc.  I went to Bible Study at Ginny's.  I headed to bed at 8.  Pretty tired. 

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