Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Tuesday April 9 Fourth day of Trek

This was a day of going up, up, and up.   EARLY to see Poon Hill for most of the group.   I stayed back at hotel with Jenna sleeping.  My knees hurt from the previous day and I knew there were LOTS of steps needed to descend the mountain after breakfast.  So I declined the early climb and reveled in the beauty of the sunrise from my second story window, with 5 year old Jenna sleeping in the bed next to the window.

After breakfast we start a day of descent and descending.  I couldn't believe how many steps thee were down ... and Down ... AND DOWN ... AND DOWN!!!
It just kept going and going and going DOWN.  
I was so glad I had not gone on the Poon trail in the early morning hours. 
When I finally got to the place we were staying it was about an hour later than the rest of them.   
I sat below the second floor rooms we were staying in and just was thankful I made it.
When I did go upstairs to my room you could see through the planks in the hallway to the patio below. 
Jensens got 2 rooms, both had 5 beds.
At first the 5 older kids were going too sleep the last night together in one room,
BUT they decided against it.
So Jensens slept 5 in that room and I slept in the room next door.  
The beds were the ickiest yet and so I was really happy that they had gotten me a 
sleeping bag liner.  I had used it every night, but I was espescially glad to use it tonight. 

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